All of the following authors have had most of the ideas discussed on this site yeas ago.

Zuboff. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. 2019. Practically a history book of Eric Schmidt helping the young lads of Google search turn it into a gold mine. They invented the widespread data gathering approach and monetization techniques used throughout all layers of technology today.

Ronald Deibert. Reset. circa 2020. Additional detail on how the data economy works. Much insight into the information gathering techniques. Digs into how cell phones materials like rare earths have a devastating environmental and human misery impact.

Ray Kurzweil, Futurist, The Age of Intelligent Machines, etc, extensive writings on the where technology is going. Kurzweil has a very good track record of invention and prediction, not to be dismissed for some ideas that are at times pretty wild.

Hans Moravec, Roboticist, Interview in Wired Magazine. At times abstract, but with some very relevant predictions playing out now. Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, McGraw Hill, 1964. Remarkable insight into electronic media that hadn’t been invented, like the internet, social media, etc. when he wrote about the “Global Village” created by electronic media. [wikipedia]