Is privacy a right?

Surveillance as a business model has only been in use since Google figured out how to monetize data, less than 15 years ago. Prior to that time, broadly speaking, privacy was a defacto default.

If you went to the bank and discussed financial matters, then took a few papers home in your briefcase, that interaction would have remained between you and your bank officer. If you do that same type of interaction online today, at a minimum, your phone company/communications provider would have peeled off your DNS lookup information revealing which bank you use. If you drove to the meeting, your cellphone and car would report back GPS location information to Apple/Google/Car manufacturer and many apps on your phone. Each of those data gatherers would then in turn share, and therefore monetize, that information, with their data industry partners.

In short, the fact that you went to the bank is now arguably public domain information and has been dispersed to any number of unknown actors.

Should your financial intentions and transactions to be public information?